Tuesday 30 October 2012

Time management....Failed?

At last it is half term and I have dedicated this week to uni work. At the beginning of every module, I try to stick to the weekly guides given to us in the handbook so as to stay on track but due to the fact that I work full time and have a second job, it is virtually impossible. This has upset me in the past but due to the nature of the course (work based), I have realised that although it is not ideal, it is possible for me to work in heavy doses when time allows rather than evenly spread out, as I would prefer. As the course is specifically created to teach us how to cope in a professional world, I have also realised that in Education, this is how the profession exists - during term time, there is virtually no room for extracurricular activities. The job is far too demanding. Anything 'extra' can really only be done during school holidays, which can often take away any connotations of 'holiday' ie. fun, lie-ins, lazy days!
A week of unpaid work that I sincerely hope will one day 'pay off', here I come!

1 comment:

  1. I feel exactly the same Sarah. It feels like as well as no longer having any spare time, I now literally don't have enough hours in the day (or at least hours in the day during which I can mentally function!) to get everything done. I have just resigned myself to getting as much as I possibly can done, and if that's not enough...well that's tough! It's work based course, but at the end of the day, its the work itself that pays the bills.
