Wednesday 10 October 2012

Module 3, campus session 1

For those of you who could not make the campus session today, here is a summary of what was discussed.

First of all Paula spoke to us about the importance of stress management. Knowing in advance that this is going to be an intence period for us, means that we can prepare ourselves. She suggested that we all make ourselves an artificial deadline so that we have further time should an event cause our schedule to be interuppted.

Ways to beat stress: Breathe
                               Make a plan of action
                               Make time to socialise
                               Get with nature (a walk in the woods/ spend time with your pet)
                               Do the action plan

Don't be caught out by technology....SAVE YOUR WORK! Technology will, at some point inevitibly let you down. Use multiple USB sticks and paper coppies.

We then started looking at the criteria of module 3:
                                                                              Part 1 - Critical Review
                                                                              Part 2 - Professional Artefact
                                                                              Part 3 - Oral Presentation

Part 1 & 2 will be marked before we do part 3. The deadline for parts 1 & 2 is 7th January 2013. The preliminary date of the Oral Presentation is 24th Janurary 2013.

The following information can be found in the handbook.
 We then looked at the 5 stages of work that will take us through module 3. Paula asked us to take the time to see which stage we are currently at and what needs to be done next.

Stage 1
Write and post to Paula a written review of your feedback from your inquiry plan. Do you understand what you have done so far? Is it understandable? What does your feedback tell you you need to do to improve?

Stage 2
carry out your literature review. You can use up to 20 sources of literature. Whose previous work/literature has influenced you? Find some really good sources.

Stage 3
Carry out your inquiry. Make sure you do the things you have said you are going to do. Explain why, if there is a reason that you cannot include something you have said you are going to do in your inquiry plan.

Stage 4
Analyse your findings to show that your understanding

Stage 5
Complete the assessment using part 1, part 2 and part 3 (See above). Although this will be hard work, it should ultimately be something you are very proud of! :-)

Use your academic advisor. Email questions, skype, text and call.
Keep your subject/topic alive on daily basis. Talk to other people about what you are doing.

Next we discussed the Critical Review in more detail. Paula reminded us that it must be written formally. Peter Thomas will be holding an academic writing session on 23rd October 10am-2pm for extra help. (See home page on libguide). Explain how you have used it to improve your learning. What have you learnt? How? Why? Make sure you explain the outcome of your inquiry at the beginnning. Say any significant outcomes straight away. Don't leave it till the end.

During the session, we were given two exercises to do. The first was to answer a series of questions which will help you to start module 3 and recognise which stage you are at. This was fairly hard to do when put on the spot and with no prompts to help you to remember!

1. What research have you done so far?
2. What is you working title?
3. What are the ethical issues of your inquiry?
4. What are your literature research sources?
5. What data have you gathered?

The second exercise was to write down your action plans. Mine are:
* To schedule my interviews
* To leave a month for analyisis
* To create a university timetable using the suggested weekly feedback guides found in the handbook
* To arrange dates and time to do the interviews
* To read my literature
* To do the interviews
* To collect a portfolio of literature sources and quotes

Lastly, Paula encouraged us to continue blogging and communicating within our SIGS. All of us agreed that one of the biggest challenges is finding the time to blog as well as keep on top of the work to be assessed. We all thought that shorter but more regular blogs and also making your blog page a 'favourites tab' (up by the tool bar - easy access) can contribute to an increase in blogging. 

I hope this summary gives a brief idea of what was discussed today. Any questions, feel free to ask.


  1. Hi Sarah! Thanks for all the info. Sorry I wasn't there. I will take all of the above on board and start planning further. You're a star! Feel better soon. x

  2. Great Summary!

    I was actually at the campus session but I could only make it for the time originally posted; 10-1, so I was there then.

    Your blog is a brilliant overview of everything that was covered. I'm about to write a blog now that's going to focus in on a few of the elements covered, so our blogs should work together nicely!

    I feel a lot calmer and in control after attending the campus session. Worth the 8 hours of driving and getting up at 4am!

    1. Liam I admire your strength in getting to the campus session. Welcome to the campus session club. I'm just about to read your blog for a further insight into yesterday's campus session.


  3. Sarah!
    Thank you so much for posting this!
    A very helpful review to anyone not able to have made it to the campus session!

  4. Shame we missed each other Liam. No problem to the rest of you - the summary helped me to reflect on the campus session too.

  5. Thank you Sarah,this helps so much, especially with the action plan in stages to help us get to the final assessment submission. Really great that you took the time to type it up for us, and I'm sure the reflection has done you good too!

    I am currently scheduling my interviews and reading/gathering literature, I don't think it will be 20 sources but I aim to include 10.

    I am in London next week and hope to go to have a look round Hendon on Tuesday, and check out the library, it will make this degree feel alot 'realer' to me!

    Good Luck and keep up the fab organisation!!!!

  6. I couldn't believe the size of the Hendon campus Alicia. I met Tifany there, thank goodness because I would have been totally lost! We both commented that it seemed so strange to be there - we felt like intruders! Enjoy!

  7. Hi Sarah
    Thank you for the summary, a well written overview which will greatly help me. I had all good intentions of coming along and would have liked to look around Hendon campus then became unwell with flu, only just got out of bed...
    This is the final hurdle and am grateful for any support, advice extra help.
    A good idea to write shorter but more frequent blogs.

    Good luck and best wishes

  8. Thank you so much Sarah! This is such a great help to all of us who couldn't be there, very good of you to take time to write about it and so clearly.
    Good luck, Ill be sure to keep a look out for updates to your blog,
    Emily x

  9. Wow what an informative post! Absolute life saver!
    Em-Phia x
