Saturday 3 March 2012

Why don't schools take creative subjects seriously?

Liam Conman mentioned an interesting comment on his blog about how Performing arts and physical education are put under the same umberella in schools. I had no idea this was the case until I started working at my present school in London. I was shocked to discover that the two subjects were remotely considered to be alike. I remember my ballet teacher at stage school explaining to us that if you don't express yourself during dance, then really you're just a gymnast. I think this comment is relevant and is something that is being misunderstood within the education system. Performing is creative. It allows you to express yourself through either song, movement or dialogue. Sport is soley about technique and personal improvement. It is just as important for a performing arts teacher to encourage a student to show their emotion and personality in a performance than the technical aspect. This is not something that is taught in PE classes. In fact, I believe it something that is hardly encouraged at all in schools.
Performing arts includes music and I find it very hard to compare playing a trumpet or learning musical notes to learning to play netball. Schools would never put maths and english in to the same department so why do this with drama or dance? I find it really under-values creative subjects. why is it that the educational system cares so very little for the performing arts? So many people go on to be performers, performing arts teachers, camera operators, props or costume designers, musicians, television, film or radio presenters, managers, directors or producers....I could go on! So why is the training and introduction in to these careers so badly catered for?

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