Sunday 27 November 2011

Why arts education is crucial

I am still in the process of writing up task 2d, inquiry, and through doing this, I have been reading as much information as I can about the importance of performing arts in education. This is something I am very passionate about. I am very concerned that too much emphasis is being put on academic subjects at the detriment of creative subjects.
This article explains perfectly why I feel it is so important not to let the arts slip between our fingers.

 Why arts education is crucial


  1. Sarah - good find in terms of literature/blog 'Why Arts Education Is Crucial, and Who's Doing It Best: Art and music are key to student development' BY FRAN SMITH. THis also links to lots of sources in the US - looks like it might be from 2009 (see if you can find out by searching the site more) because of the comments. Finding out what other national and international professionals have to say about your topic area can increase you ability to speak clearly about your being able to apply your ideas to your practice. Fran Smith has explained it well.If you were to borrow from her style of writing, how would you explain your own point of view using your own circumstances (e.g. UK education policy and practice in 2011)?

  2. Thank you Paula, I'm going to look in to your question.

  3. Great article. The final quote sums up how I feel about education really well. It's about preparing children to take their place in the world and enjoy that place. Preparing them for work and preparing them to be part of society, yes, but also teaching them to discover who they are and to "enjoy the deeper forms of beauty"
