Wednesday 2 November 2011

My personal reflection on Reflexivity

I have just read and commented on Liam Conman's blog titiled 'Reflexivity- an alternative form of introspection'. For those who have not read it, he speaks about the fact that if we adopt Jay Rothman's concept about delaying reactions, surely artists would not deliver the same creativity and passion through their work.
"Reflexivity involves delaying the instinctive and unexamined reactions to external stimulus, and analysing them before responding" (Rothman, 1997, 36)
Alicia Beck mentioned the great artists Van Gogh, Nureyev and Shakespeare as an example. I commented on Liam's blog that in my own professional practice, I have become very good at practising Rothman's concept as I permenatally delay instincitve reactions. For example, when  stroppy teenager rolls their eyes at you for the tenth time that day, mumbles something under her breath and then ignores your help, it is very difficult not to react. This is, however part of my job which I have become accustomed to.
Whilst thinking about this, I began to explore my past work as an actress and dancer and came to the understanding that this 'talent' that I now hold, of being able to reflect in action ( Donald Schons), was probably what hindered me as a performer. I think that I was probably not spontaneous enough and certainly reflected too much in situations. By thinking introspectively, I was preventing the artistic, spontaneous and creative me from fully functioning. I have always been told that I lack self confidence, and I would not disagree, however I can't help but wonder if what other's saw as a lack in confidence, was acutally me delaying instinctive reactions and perhaps, over anylising my own thoughts, rather than just 'letting go' and being creative.
In conclusion, I think that being able to practise Jay Rothman's concept of Reflexivity is a talent that can be very beneficial in a work place, however I would personally like to have had a little more of the instinctive reaction in me - a factor which, I believe can make an artist be such a creative being.


  1. Having just posted this, I immediately saw my spelling of 'Reflexivity'. Does anyone know of a way to edit and ammend blogs, once they are sent?

  2. Hi Sarah
    To correct any spelling mistakes in your post, go to the top of your blog page and you should see next to sign out 'design', click on this, this page is entitled 'Template'. Look on the left side under 'new post' click on 'posts'this page will show everything you've published, pass your mouse over the title of your post and it should highlight 'edit, view, delete' click on 'edit', correct your spelling, then clivk at the top of the page 'update'. You can click on 'pre-view' to check, but remember to come out of that, then view your blog. You can do this many times over. Hope you can follow this. Not sure if everyone is set up this same way.

  3. Thank you Corinda - I managed to correct the mistake! It was a bit different to do than you described. I had to go to 'design', as you suggested, then go to 'posting' and click on 'edit posts'. I'm enjoying finding out new things we can do on our blogs as we go along.
    Thank you again for your help
