Thursday, 15 September 2011

Induction day thoughts

Well, I've survived the induction day! I say 'survived' because I would be lying if I didnt' admit that I was actually quite nervous. I'm a creature of habit and always get anxious when I'm starting something new and meeting new people. I didn't have anything to worry about though because everyone was very friendly and seemed to be wondering  the same questions as me - namely, 'what do we actually do on this course?'

Things are a lot clearer now and my new 'worry' is that my blog needs a huge overhall. I'm intending to spend a good chunk of time re-thinking my colour scheme, lay out and contents.

All in all, I'm looking forward to getting stuck in to this course!


  1. Hi Sarah,

    First of all, I love your blog!! I don't think it needs an overhaul! Unless you already have and this the result? In which case it looks great!

    I just wanted to say that I really hope to work a lot with you during the course, because after meeting you at induction and reading your profile, it's clear that we are both very much on the same tracks! We both used to perform, both now love the world of education and both wish to teach GCSE Dance!

    I think we can be of great help to one another!

  2. Hi Liam,
    Well this is my second attempt of responding to a comment - hadn't realised that you have to type in the word thingy! Anyway, all I basically tried to say was, thank you for the comment (my first!) and yes, I would definitely be more than happy to work with you. It's good to see a fellow 'teacher to be' on the course :-)

  3. Hi Sarah, I wasn't at induction day but I just saw your blog on the BAPP website and I'm starting on the course too! Nice to meet you, hope to hear from you soon, Emily
