Thursday 9 May 2013

Process = journey

Oh my goodness, what a whirlwind the last few weeks have been!!!
To say I felt stressed is an understatement. Two full time jobs, my wedding in two weeks and my final module of uni!
I have been piecing everything together and my first draft of the Critcial Review is, at last done! This has not been easy. I have had such alot of trouble simply understanding the term 'inquiry'. I have my workin title, my questions, interviews etc, but something was not 'clicking' in my head.
I called upon Corinda Hall, who had originally been in the same module as myself, however after my deferral at Christmas, Corinda had finished before me. Like me, Corinda had had to take a step back and really analyse some very 'normal' words. For example, we discussed the word 'process'. This is mentioned in the criteria in the module 3 handbook.

'Evaluation of the Inquiry Process'

I had skimmed past this very important word, as had Corinda, but she highlighted to me its importance. Corinda explained that the word 'process' is asking us to explain the journey of our inquiry and not give the answers. This is where I had been going wrong. And slightly insane...trying to come up with all the answers was proving impossible! I simply didn't have them. Suddenly, things seemed so much clearer. Corinda went on to explain that:

 'you're not proving a theory. Its the journey of what you have learnt...the mechanics, not the answer'.

These few words have been invaluable to me and have lead me to understand what has been asked of me Using your SIGs is essential throughout Module 3, as I have discovered.

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