Thursday 29 September 2011

Professional Profile - 2nd draft

Professional Profile 2nd draft
Please click on the link above

Here is my second draft of my professional profile. I agreed with the comments that I received that it was too long and I have managed to condense it down by 12 lines and it is now all on one page! I have re-phrased some of the areas that were suggested to me and also some areas that I felt were not necessary.
I would very much appreciate any further comments. Do you think it is still too long?
Many thanks x

CV google docs attempt number three!


Wednesday 28 September 2011

My CV google docs

Google docs

I have just spent the last 2 hours trying to improve my CV by putting it on to google documents. I'm not the best with technology despite working in a 'technology college', but thought I'd give it a go. I have found it really complicated, especially as I couldn't get my saved CV on word, to copy and paste on to google docs. After about 40 minutes of searching google for other people with the same problem, I finally discoverd that I needed to be clicking on 'upload file' instead of 'create new'. If anyone else is new to it like me, take heed! I am now going to attempt to acutally create a this new post with my CV as a link. Fingers crossed!!

Saturday 24 September 2011

Personal Profile

Hi, here is the first draft of my personal profile. I've had a look at some of the student's from last year and get the feeling mine is far to long winded. I do tend to babble! Any comments are very much appreciated.

I was only two years old and living in London, where I was born when I was taken to my first ballet lesson. I was immediately hooked and was soon given the opportunity to also start modern and tap lessons. When I was five, my parents moved to Wales. I quickly discovered the local dance school and also started performing in the annual pantomimes, community shows and summer season shows.
            I knew that I wanted to pursue my love of dance and drama and took up GCSE drama at school with the intention of also doing it for A-Levels. By the time I was eighteen I had achieved a grade A in both examinations, and worked my way up to Elementary level in ballet, tap and modern.
            In 1999, I auditioned for the Midlands Academy of Dance and Drama (MADD) in Nottingham and was accepted! During my three years there, I studied other types of dance including Jazz, ballroom, latin, street, pas de deux and contemporary. We also took classes in musical theatre and acting, which I particularly loved. Whilst I was at MADD, I also took my ISTD Intermediate ballet gaining highly commended.
            During my third year, I was offered the opportunity to teach drama to children at the ‘Tina Jay dance and drama school’. This was my first experience working with children, and I found that it came very naturally to me and I really enjoyed it. However, at this point I still very much wanted to pursue my own career in performing. I was therefore very excited to successfully audition to be one of twelve dancers chosen to take part in the opening credits of ‘Sport Relief 2002’.
            In July 2002 I graduated from the MADD, gaining a level 6 Trinity London National Diploma in professional dance (musical theatre). That same year, I moved down to London in order to begin my career as a performer.
            I secured a part for a primary school touring acting company called the ‘West midlands children’s theatre’, which involved being split in to groups of three and touring for three months solid to over 200 primary schools around England, Wales and Ireland. Not only did we act during these shows, but we also managed the set, costume, props, sound, lighting fiancĂ© with the schools and travel. As one of the drivers, I spent up to five hours every day, driving us from one city to another in a transit van. I completed two separate productions within the six months, playing the parts of the ‘princess Samaris’ in ‘Arabian Adventure’ and both the parts of ‘Boris’ and then ‘the scarlet queen’ in ‘The bluebird’.
            Having danced for over twenty years, I began to realise that I wanted to concentrate on acting rather than dancing. I was finding the industry tough in so far as financial security but still wanted to perform. In 2005 I went back in to a two year intensive acting school. I felt that my training at MADD had concentrated mostly on dance and wanted to improve my acting skills. However, after this two year course, as much as I loved performing, I was still feeling disheartened by the lack of security. So in 2007 I went back to Wales to re- think my future career.
            Whilst I was there, I applied for the position of a learning support assistant in the special educational needs department of Penglais School. My intention was to find a temporary job while I could decide on the direction I wanted to take, however I was surprised to discover how much I enjoyed working in a school. My previous experience working with children in the drama classes I took definitely helped and I found myself to be confident in a classroom situation. As much as I enjoyed working in the SEN department, I soon began to miss performing and was therefore delighted when I was approached to help choreograph the school’s end of year performance of ‘Oliver!’ During this period I knew that my true calling was teaching performing arts. I had the security I had desired, working in a school but without having to completely leave the industry I have loved since the age of two!
I moved back to London in 2010 having secured a new job as a teaching assistant in the SEN department of Eltham hill Technology College for girls. My employers were very keen to take me on due to my experience in both SEN and performing arts. I currently teach a group of students a musical theatre class once a week and a drama class once a week. My goal is to become a qualified dance and drama teacher and I have therefore begun a fifteen month course at Middlesex university in order to obtain a degree in Professional Pracice to enable me to achieve this.
I’m passionate about educating children and I hope to become a successful GCSE dance and drama teacher and help other people to enjoy the industry I have loved for so long.


I would appreciate anyone taking the time to read my CV and comment on it :-)
Thank you!

Sarah Pearson
117 **** Lane, London SE13 ***
Nationality       British
Date of Birth    29.04.81

I am a determined, reliable and very enthusiastic individual. I thrive on hard work and new challenges enjoy working as part of a team and strive to perform to the very best of my ability.

Employment History

Sep ’10 – Present
Eltham Hill Technology College            Teaching Assistant
Eltham, London

Jan ’08 – Aug ‘10
Penglais Comprehensive                      Learning Support Assistant
Aberystwyth, Ceredigion

Sep ’08 – Feb’09
DASH Ceredigion                               Team Leading Support Worker
Aberystwyth, Ceredigion

Apr’ 03 – Oct’ 05                               Supervisor
Ghetto Nightclub
London W1

Oct’ 02 – Aug ‘03
West Midlands Children’s Theatre      Actress- ‘Princess Samaris’, ‘Boris’ and
‘Arabian Adventure’ &                      ‘The Scarlet Queen’
‘The Bluebird’
Britain and Ireland Tour

Jul’ 02
BBC Sport Relief                                Dancer

Jan’ 02 – Jul’02
Tina Jay Dance and Drama School      Drama Teacher


2005 - 2007
NW5 Theatre School
London                                                         Graduate Pass

1999 – 2002
Midlands Academy of Dance and Drama
Nottingham                                                   Level 6 Trinity London National Diploma                                              

1992 – 1999
Penglais Comprehensive School
Aberystwyth                                                 2 A-Levels
                                                                    Theatre Studies   – A
                                                                    English Literature – D

                                                                   11 GCSEs grade A-C


Advanced ISTD Ballet                                 Basic French and German
Elementary ISTD Tap                                  Full Clean Drivers Licence
Elementary ISTD Modern


I am a professionally trained dancer and actress and now teach dance and drama classes to secondary school students. I have enjoyed various adventure sports since childhood, including doing a charity parachute jump and a 40ft cliff jump. I am also passionate about animal welfare and regularly volunteer for various animal charities.


Mrs S. Veitch                                                  Mrs D. Griffiths
SENCo                                                           SENCo
Eltham Hill Technology College                         Penglais School
Eltham                                                            Aberystwyth
London                                                           Ceredigion
SE9 5EE                                                        SY23 3AW

Wednesday 21 September 2011


Not very much to report today except that I have spent the last hour getting to know 'Blogger' a little better and have tweaked a few details on my blog. The major one being my name - I realised that I hadn't put a space between my christian and surname! I'm now Sarah Pearson, rather than SarahPearson. I've also started following some of my 'course mates' and generally getting more comfortable with blogging.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

School performance

Today I have been approached at work to choreograph the dance numbers in the school's performance of Cinderella. I'm very excited about it as the performance is going to be a modern take on the story with music such as Lady Gaga in it! I have been offered the chance to participate in directing and managing back stage too. I'm hoping I'll be able to fit it all in around the rest of my daily time-table!

Thursday 15 September 2011

Induction day thoughts

Well, I've survived the induction day! I say 'survived' because I would be lying if I didnt' admit that I was actually quite nervous. I'm a creature of habit and always get anxious when I'm starting something new and meeting new people. I didn't have anything to worry about though because everyone was very friendly and seemed to be wondering  the same questions as me - namely, 'what do we actually do on this course?'

Things are a lot clearer now and my new 'worry' is that my blog needs a huge overhall. I'm intending to spend a good chunk of time re-thinking my colour scheme, lay out and contents.

All in all, I'm looking forward to getting stuck in to this course!

Wednesday 14 September 2011

My first post!! Hello everyone! Well tomorrow is the induction day at Trent park campus and I'm just looking at some last minute details and re-reading all the info I've been sent so far. I'm really excited and a little apprehensive, which I hope is quite normal :-)

Looking forward to meeting lots of new people tommorow x