Monday, 9 April 2012

6a - Pilot Survey

Hi everyone,
I would love you to help me out by completing my survey. Please comment if you find any of the questions difficult to comprehend or answer. Thank you very much in advance.

Arts in Education Survey


  1. Hi Sarah I just completed your Survey. It's great and I particularly love the last question. I hope my answer to that isn't offending. I just felt I had to speak my mind.


  2. Hi sarah,
    I enjoyed answering your questions, i can tell a lot of thought as gone into them. I was unable to answer question 7 as creative arts was not an option at my school.
    I look forward to seeing how you go on.

  3. Hi Sarah,

    I have taken your survey and am looking forward to hearing more about your inquiry :)

  4. Hi Sarah

    I've completed your survey. Not sure how relevant my answers were, I was at school in Secondary school in the early 70's. I moved from a new Catholic forward thinking school after a year to a C of E school that were so stuck in an old regime, I disliked it intensely and was very unhappy...
    The Catholic school offered school productions and in PE we had dance! It was wonderful as we were encouraged to express ourselves in dance. That was when I first started choreography using all types of implements such chairs, ropes, nets, space hoppers (big orange bouncy balls you sit on and bounce). But then I had to move schools...
    I am very much a promoter of the performing arts, if you ever need any help in campaigning, I'd be happy to help..
    I could have written more in the last question....
    Best wishes

  5. Hey Sarah
    Great survey. Very clear objective in the information you were after, really focused.
    I had two thoughts as i went through it:
    1/ Q2 said "which subjects" but only allowed for one choice. Might have been good to be able to identify the number of subjects that we felt the school favoured, or the question need slightly re-wording.
    2/ It would have been good to have an additional info box on a couple of the questions as my answers did not always fit into the options offered
    I tried to answer the questions as comprehensively as i could but found some of them difficult to answer as i did not really have much of an interest int the arts till after i left school.
    Hope all's going well with the enquiry darlin.
    Thank you for your comments and feedback i have replied to you on the posts you wrote on.
    Let me know if i can do anything to help at all with anything.
    Stay safe - Phil

  6. Thank you for the comments everyone.
    Phil, my novice survey monkey skills have been exposed lol. I'm really annoyed with myself that I opted for the wrong answer box whilst making the survey and accidentaly only allowed for one answer. I've tried to change it but as I already have answers, it won't let me change it. Thank you for all for answering as best a possible,
