Friday, 7 October 2011

Further thoughts on Web 2.0

Having written my task on professional communications technology, I started thinking a little deeper in to my last paragraph, about how far we, as a civilisation have come. I am really interested in British History, especially around the Tudor period and this task got me thinking about how lucky we are in comparison. Back in the early Tudor reign, England was a Catholic country and only priests or those lucky enough to have been permitted an education, were allowed to read the Bible. During this period, the Bible was the most important piece of writing as it was a political text, as well as religious. Religion was politics. With only the priests being able to read to the peasants, they had no choice but to have to take everything being told to them as the truth, with no possibility of questioning or analysing the information. Today things are so different. To start with, we live in a country which allows freedom of speech. Not only that, but we also now have the technology to have open debates and discussions with people from all over the world about any topic on offer. I can not imagine living in a society which was controlled to the point of not being able to make my own mind up about a topic and express my views as I desired. I feel so empowered and privileged to be able to use Web 2.0 to be able to get these points across and have people respond back to me, (especially without the fear of being beheaded for my views!!)


  1. This really made me smile; what an original angle to approach the issue from!
    You make a very good point. Web 2.0 is a huge part of the way we express ourselves, gather information and communicate. Even when considering recent history we can see the ways Web 2.0 has changed things for the better, but taking a look back much further really highlights just how much we have gained.

  2. This is great Sarah! A totally different outlook on web 2.0 than I had, yet coming back round to some very similar views. I suppose that's whats great about this course- how similar some ideas can be, but expressed in a different way, and looking at thinks from a different angle, can really highlight the points intended to get across!

    Just a thought-maybe you could use the piece to talk more about how some of the tools are useful to you personally or profesionally? Or if there are any of the tools you would choose not to use for a particular reason, and why?

    A great piece though, showing, like Liam said, how far the technological world has come, and shows no signs of slowing down! To think, in maybe a couple of hundred years time, people maybe referencing back to blogging in the 21st century and how far they have moved on from that!!

  3. BIGGEST Apologies Sarah!!!!! Just realised that you HAVE written about which tools you use in your google doc with the subject title!! sooorry!

  4. Thank you for the comments. I was wondering if you think that I should incorporate this piece in to my acutal piece for task 1.b? Or would it be completely off topic?
